Portfolio Explorer

Portfolio Explorer is the foundation for web based, 3d map experiences driven by data. Create a portfolio of assets from your project data, style it, and share it with your stakeholders. It is that simple. If you have a project in Revit or Rhino, use the Area Sync plugin to push your data to the cloud. Portfolio Explorer is directly connected to the same source, making it possible to bring your models and all their data to the map.

Creating data driven maps used to require experts your team might not have, now you can see your data visualized in the map with a only a few clicks. Thematically render your data with numeric and categorical styles for quick control of synchronized map and chart based visualization.


  • React
  • Redux Toolkit
  • AWS Amplify
  • Next.js
  • Deck.gl
  • Nebula.js
  • React-map-gl
  • Recharts
  • Turf.js
  • Ant Design
  • Lottie


  • Thomas Kearns, Digital Innovation Strategist 
  • Alek Shnayder, Software Engineer 
  • Chan Youn, Software Engineer 
  • Aprameya Pandit, Data Scientist 
  • Brad Rogers, P+S Senior Consultant
  • Ellen Berglund, UX Designer
  • Elizabeth Michals, Senior UX/UI Designer
  • Anshika Saxena, UX Designer